Here Comes Honey Boo Boo tells the story of the Thompson family, living in rural Georgia. The family is run mainly by "Mama," with her boyfriend "Sugar Bear." Mama has four daughters; Anna, Jessica, "Pumpkin," and the titular "Honey Boo Boo."
Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon
In the opening of the first episode, Honey Boo Boo describes Layryn as "the crazy-ist." Her title is somewhat proven when the family goes to the redneck games. First, she joins in the game of bobbing for pigs feet, which is exactly what it sounds like. Then, as the temperature reaches 100 degrees, she jumps right into a body of water that has a massive sign in front of it, warning patrons that a flesh eating bacteria lives in the water. I suppose you could chalk all of that up to pubescent adventurism, seeing as she's only 12.
Jessica "Chubbs" Shannon
Jessica is described by Honey Boo Boo as her "favorite-ist." At the redneck games, the two of them join in the mud pit belly flop, which, again, is exactly what it sounds like. What's interesting about her character, though, is her nickname. Needless to say, the entire family isn't Or, really, healthy in any concevable way. Jessica, however, is the only one who suggests the family start losing weight. At 15, she says that she was starting to get ridiculed at school because of her weight, and suggested that the family all lose weight with her (of course, she suggested this while swallowing down a whole bag of pork rinds and cheese balls). You have to wonder if the only cause of her desire to lose weight is her school mates, though - Mama always calls her "Chubette," despite Jessica's hate of the name.
Anna "Chickadee" Shannon
Described as "the pregnant-ist" by Honey Boo Boo, Anna...simply wasn't in the first episode. In fact, she's only really introduced in the end of the third episode, at her baby shower, and even then she only has one or two lines. Doing some quick research tells me that she gave birth last July - to a baby with three thumbs. The father of the child doesn't seem to be in the picture at all.
Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson
Mike, Mama's "baby daddy," seems to only be there "for the testosterone," since the rest of the household is so filled with estrogen. He is the father of Honey Boo Boo, and the boyfriend of Mama for the past 8 years. He doesn't seem to do much but sit on the couch, and probably wonder what he's doing with his life.
Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson
The "star" of this show, Honey Boo Boo, is a child pageant star of 7 years old. According to the first episode, she has never won first place at a competition. Despite this, Alana is still very confident with herself, in all aspects. She proudly declares that "nobody's bringing home the crown but me!", she gleefully plays with her belly that's way too large for a child of her age, and her speech is generally proud at best, cocky and sassy at worst. She has a pet pig, which is somehow unsurprising. But, is she truly the main character of this show? No. That 'honor' belongs to...
June "Mama" Shannon
Mama. According to Honey Boo Boo, she's "the boss of the house." Most scenes focus on her, even when they aren't actually about her. She's always the one talking about Honey Boo Boo's pageants. When Jessica wanted to lose weight, all the attention moved towards Mama losing weight. Clearly, the people running this show want to put Mama front and center. And why not? She's certainly the most interesting character on the show. Or at least, the most exploitable. She's certainly a character of extremes. Extremely obese, she flaunts her "two or three chins," and proudly proclaims her secret of staying healthy is (and I'm not making this up) "to fart 12 to 15 times a day." It's clearly working.
Outside the show, she's even more 'interesting.' Sugar Bear is only the father of Honey Boo Boo; each of her daughters has a different father, each of them in or have been in jail. In fact, she doesn't even know who Lauryn's father is.
But, despite her unhealthy (and, sadly, entertaining) lifestyle, Mama is undeniably loving. She loves her family, supports Honey Boo Boo in her dream even when she loses, and tells them all that they're beautiful in their own body. She might not win any mother of the year awards, but she's trying her best.
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