Thursday, November 1, 2012

CCT Week 3: Sky Eats Airplane

This week, we'll be taking a look at the band Sky Eats Airplane, with a focus on their self-titled album. We'll look at their fanbase, their genre and style, musicianship, as well as some input from people who aren't exactly in to this kind of music

NOTE: Cody's post exists in the comment section of this post

1 comment:

  1. I was just recently introduced to the band, “Sky Eats Airplane”. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would actually like them. For one I didn’t know what type of music they were or what their style was. It turns out they are a punk rock/ metal band originally from Fort Worth, Texas. Their style attracts not only punk rock listeners, but also electronic listeners as well. This is because they find creative ways to integrate electronic, “vibes and chords”, into their hard guitar riffs and drum solos. They attract people from different backgrounds and musical taste and put them, “all in one pond”, so to speak.
    I also found an interesting article entailing that they split with a few of their original band mates (as many bands do). But what really caught my eye was the way they picked replacements for the members. For example when lead singer Jerry Roush decided to leave the band, they not only head auditions, but they also made a blog for people to leave messages saying why they should be in the band. They had a astounding turn out of over 1000 messages and eventually picked two new members to join the band (Elliot Colman and Bryan Zimmerman). I like their electronic rock feel and hope you do too. Here is one of their major hits, “Giants in the Ocean”.
